Bostik Grip E946 Epoxy Primer



SKU 30620597 Category Brand:

Bostik GRIP E946 EPOXY is a solvent-free, two-component, water dispersible epoxy primer containing exact quantities of resin and hardener ready for mixing. Curing is by chemical reaction, producing a semi-gloss film finish. The primer is coloured to identify coated areas.



Bostik GRIP E946 EPOXY

Bostik GRIP E946 EPOXY primer is a solvent-free, two-component, water dispersible epoxy primer containing exact quantities of resin and hardener ready for mixing.

Curing is by chemical reaction, producing a semi-gloss film finish. The primer is coloured to identify coated areas.

This primer can be used as a primer/bonding agent prior to the application of any of the Bostik range of smoothing compounds. It can be used on all smooth and dense surfaces, power floated concrete, ceramic tiles, quarry tiles, terrazzo, rigid metal, asphalt and surface membranes.

It may also be used as a barrier primer on anhydrite (calcium sulphate) screeds, prior to the application of cementitious materials. For further information, please contact Technical Services.

Subfloor Preparation:

Ensure the subfloor is sound, clean, dry and of adequate tensile and compressive strength, free from loose material, laitance, cracks and structural defects. All contaminants, including surface hardeners and additives that may hinder adhesion must be removed. It should also have an effective structural damp-proof membrane and be suitably dry.



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