Flowcrete Isocrete Screedfast 2000 – High early strength and rapid drying screed
Flowcrete Isocrete Screedfast 2000 – High early strength and rapid drying screed. A specially formulated cement giving a high early strength and very rapid drying screed. Isocrete Screedfast 1000 will give a Category B screed and will dry to 75% RH in 3 to 4 days at 20°C.
- Early traffic by following trades [5 – 10 hours]
- Pump or hand applied
- Can be applied to substrates up to 85% RH
- Early installation of sensitive finishes [24 hours]
- Excellent workability properties – easy to use
- Low shrinkage – minimises cracking
- High abrasion and impact resistance
Fast track construction and refurbishment projects where the screed needs to be trafficked or overlaid quickly. Isocrete Screedfast may be laid bonded, unbonded or floating (for weight saving and thermal or sound insulation) and may be used with proprietary underfloor heating systems. Screedfast cement is used in different mix designs with water and M grade sands to provide Screedfast 1000 and Screedfast 2000.
Substrate requirements
Concrete or screed substrate should be a minimum of 25N/mm2, free from laitance, dust and other contamination. The substrate should be dry to 85% RH as per BS8204 and free from rising damp and ground water pressure. When above 75% RH, or no damp proof membrane is present, use M-Bond or M Bond Extra, enabling the immediate installation of moisture sensitive floor finishes once the screed has dried. For further details please contact our Technical Advisors.
All information on screed thicknesses, curing and protection on completion can be found on the technical datasheet.
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