FCS Nexus 85 Macro Synthetic Fibres


  • Structural Integrity and Load Bearing Capacity
  • Enhanced Durability and Impact Resistance
  • Environmentally Conscious Solution
  • Versatile Applications
  • Length 60mm
  • Suitable for use in HGV yards, pavements, ports, bulkstorage facilities and many more applications



FCS Nexus 85 Macro Synthetic Fibres is the class leading macro synthetic fibre solution with a market leading performance to achieve structural compliance to EN14889 pt 2 Fibres for Concrete.

FCS Nexus 85 Macro Synthetic Fibres gives an alternative to traditional mesh reinforcement when load carrying performance is required. Rigorously tested by independent test houses and in
compliance with EN14889-2, Nexus®85 can be used in established design methodology to provide specific engineered solutions for your concrete application. In addition to giving structural performance, adding Nexus®85 to the concrete will provide enhanced durability and impact resistance. HGV yards, pavements, ports, bulk storage facilities and many more applications can utilise the added benefits that come from adopting Nexus®85 reinforced concrete.

Addition of Nexus®85 is simple. Typically, one degradable bag is added per cubic metre of concrete which will then allow full and even dispersal of the fibres after 5 minutes of
mixing at proper mixing speed in a truck or batch plant. For wet-batch efficient drum or pan mixers, the fibres may be added to the aggregate conveying system, manually or by conveyor as appropriate, at any time once sand and aggregates have commenced moving into the mixer and should take no longer than the time stipulated to throughly mix all the mix constituent parts.
Placing and finishing can be achieved using standard good concrete practice.


Fibre Concrete Solutions

Fibre Concrete Solutions
Fibre Concrete Solutions

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