Ronafix Prepacked Floating Screed 35mm Plus – 25kg Bag



SKU 103061416055056303 Category

Prepacked Floating Screed for Floor Screeds and Floor Repairs.

  • Can accept foot traffic after just 24 hours
  • Excellent wear resistance
  • Resistant to passage of water and water vapour
  • Compatible with underfloor heating systems



Ronafix Prepacked Floating Screed – For floor screeds and floor repairs

Ronafix Prepacked Floating Screed 35mm Plus – 25kg Bag – For floor screeds and floor repairs. Ronafix Pre-packed Screeds are supplied as a pre-packed, ready to use mortar for laying floor screeds. They are supplied complete with all the correct components in one pack, together with a bottle of polymer gauging liquid. They are used with Ronacrete Standard Primer which gives monolithic adhesion to all correctly prepared surfaces.

Ronafix Pre-packed Screeds are used to lay new screeds and toppings as thin as 6mm bonded or 35mm unbonded or floating. The cured mortar bonds securely to suitably prepared surfaces and is water resistant.


Ronafix Pre-packed Screed 6-50mm
Screed or screed repair from 6-50mm

Ronafix Pre-packed Screed 25mm+
Screed or screeds repair from 25mm

Ronafix Pre-packed Wearing Screed 15-25mm
Granolithic Topping or repair from 15-25mm

Ronafix Wearing Screed 25mm+
Granolithic Topping or repair from 25mm

Ronafix Pre-packed Floating Screed 35mm+
Floating screed from 35mm

Ronafix Pre-packed Fine Concrete 25m+
Fine concrete screed from 26mm

Applying Ronafix Prepacked Floating Screed – For floor screeds and floor repairs: 

As soon as the mortar is mixed, it should be placed onto the wet/tacky primer, compacted, ruled and closed with a float or trowel. Avoid overworking the surfaces, this will increase the tackiness of the mortar. The float should be regularly washed, to prevent build up of polymer/cement paste. Ronafix Prepacked Wearing Screeds contain granite and may need to be polished and finished by final trowelling after placing.

Screeds and toppings with an overall thickness greater than the maximum depth per layer, 50mm approximately, must be placed monolithically (wet on wet) in more than one layer to ensure compaction. Each layer should be of approximately equal thickness and using the same mix design. To ensure satisfactory adhesion the lower layer(s) should be lightly combed, raked or roughened to provide a key for the next layer. Should intermediate layers dry, a priming coat must be applied between layers.

Joints should be formed in the floor screed/topping in line with expansion, contraction and movement joints and, on suspended floors, over support positions to accommodate movement. Isolation joints should also be placed around the perimeter of floor slabs and around columns, manholes and fixed bases. Joints should also be formed between any hot and cold areas of the floor. For further information refer to BS8204-3.


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Additional information

Suitable for Substrates

Minimum Thickness: 35mm Maximum Thickness: 35+mm Compressive Strength @ 28 days: 47 N/mm2 Walkable: 24 Hours Finished Floor Laying After: 10 Days Suitable for Substrates: Concrete / Screed / Unbonded



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