Ardex Feather Finish – Rapid Drying Patching and Smoothing Compound
Ardex Feather Finish – Rapid Drying Patching and Smoothing Compound Feather Finish drys rapidly and provides a high bond to concrete, plywood, cement/sand screeds, existing sub-floor smoothing compounds and even existing ceramic tiles without the use of primers. Use Feather Finish or patching, filling and feather finishing, day work joints, ridges, gouges, depressions, uneven trowel marks, etc., in the sub-floor, as well as smoothing joints between staggered plywood sheets.
Rapid Uses
Feather Finish is designed for use in commercial and domestic locations where the installation involves the use of resilient sheet or floor coverings such as vinyl sheets or tiles, carpets etc. The cement/sand screed, plywood or ceramic tiled sub-floors must be dry, sound and clean, free of dust, grease and other barriers that might impair adhesion to the base. In domestic applications only, Ardex Feather Finish may be installed over existing adhesive residues which are thin, sound and well bonded. The residues must not be affected by either the initial wetting from the applied mortar or the adhesive used to install the new floor covering. Feather Finish is not recommended over adhesive residues in commercial situations.
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