Flowcrete Isocrete Primer – Acrylic Emulsion Based Primer
Flowcrete Isocrete Primer – Acrylic Emulsion Based Primer for Isocrete cement based self levelling screeds.
Isocrete Primer – acrylic emulsion Uses
For priming concrete and screed subfloors and impermeable surfaces (tiles and terrazzo) prior to application of Isocrete self levelling screed products. (For priming of calcium sulfate screeds see separate data sheet for Isocrete Isoseal water-based epoxy primer). Concrete or screed substrate should be a minimum of 25N/mm2, free from laitance, dust and other contamination. The substrate should be dry to 75% RH as per BS 8204 and free from rising damp and ground water pressure.
For priming concrete and screed subfloors and impermeable surfaces (tiles and terrazzo) prior to application of Isocrete self levelling screed products. (For priming of calcium sulfate screeds see separate data sheet for Isocrete Isoseal water-based epoxy primer).
- Quick and easy to apply
- Improves adhesion to the substrate
- Reduces surface absorbency, prolonging workability of
the Isocrete screed - Seals the substrate, preventing air bubbles migrating
to the surface of the Isocrete screed - Low film forming temperature
Model Specifications
Product: Isocrete Primer
Preparatory work and application in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.
Manufacturer: Flowcrete UK Ltd
Isocrete Primer, diluted with the required amount of clean
water, to be applied to a suitable sound shotblasted or
scabbled and vacuum cleaned insitu concrete base in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
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