RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay Fast Dry Prompt




Features and Benefits

  • 50mm screeds can be covered after 4 days
  • 75mm screeds can be covered after 6 days
  • 100mm screeds can be covered after 6 days
  • Commissioning of underfloor heating can commence after 2 days
  • Open to foot traffic and trades next day
  • Reduces on site delays
  • Rapid early strength development
  • No license required



RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay Fast Dry Prompt Screed Additive – 20L

RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay Fast Dry Prompt Screed Additive – 20L / 210L / 1000L is suitable for site batched screeds to quickly reduce the level of retained moisture within the screed allowing floor coverings to be laid over the screed much sooner than with conventional screeds.

RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay gains strength quickly, permitting early access by following trades.  RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay is supplied in concentrated form and used in low dilution. It promotes rapid drying and early laying of floor coverings such as sheet vinyl, tiles and other materials including the range of RonaFloor Epoxy and Polyurethane coatings.

Uses of 8 Day Overlay

RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay is typically incorporated within 35mm to 75mm thick floor screeds and applied by competent screeding contractors. RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay is simple and straightforward to use and can be purchased and laid by non-licensed screeding contractors.

Mixing – RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay must be mixed using a forced action mixer.

Dry mix the cement and sand then add the RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay liquid followed by sufficient clean water to produce a workable mix and fully hydrate the cement. The screeder should be able to make a ball of the mixed mortar and pull it apart without crumbling of the mortar.

Priming – The prepared surface must be thoroughly damped with clean water and the water allowed to soak in. Excess water must be removed and the appropriate bond coat applied. For screeds up to 50mm thickness a mix of 1:1 Ronafix: cement brushed in to the surface or, over 50mm thickness, a 2:1 cement/water slurry.

Before this dries the screed must be laid. If the bonding coat dries it must be vigorously scratched and reapplied.

Laying – Standard screeding practices should be followed. The mortar must be placed as soon as possible after mixing and well consolidated. Conventional tools such as float and trowel are used to obtain the desired surface finish.

More information on using 8 Day Overlay can be found on the technical datasheet.


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Additional information


20L, 210L, 1000L

Suitable for Substrates

Minimum Thickness: 35mm Maximum Thickness: Compressive Strength @ 28 days: 40 N/mm2 Walkable: 24 Hours Finished Floor Laying After: 8 Days Suitable for Substrates: Concrete



Ronacrete products

Technical Information

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