Tilemaster Adhesives Fast One Coat DPM – Epoxy Based Damp Proof Membrane
Tilemaster Adhesives Fast One Coat DPM – Epoxy Based Damp Proof Membrane. Fast One Coat DPM is a two component, solvent free, one coat epoxy Damp Proof Membrane. Fast One Coat DPM is suitable for use on a wide range of substrates including concrete, sand/cement screeds, anhydrite and calcium sulphate screeds. Fast One Coat DPM is ideal for use as a damp proof membrane where the residual moisture content in a new or existing screed is up to 98% relative humidity (RH). Fast One Coat DPM can also be used to deal with damp substrates where a structural damp proof membrane is not present or where the structural damp proof membrane is ineffective. Once cured, Fast One Coat DPM produces a membrane which can accommodate hygrometer readings up to 98% RH on cement based screeds and 87% RH on anhydrite / calcium sulphate screeds without resulting in bond strength issues. Fast One Coat DPM has effective resistance to water, grease, oil, dilute mineral and organic acids. It is important to know that when applying Fast One Coat DPM to a substrate where a
structural damp proof membrane is not present or is ineffective, this product must be
applied as a 2 coat system.
Tilemaster Adhesives Fast One Coat DPM Uses
Preparation of the substrate:
Before starting, all substrates must be clean, structurally sound, free from surface water and free from any laitance, dust, dirt or other contaminants e.g. surface hardeners, curing membranes, which may affect adhesion. Any existing floor screeds that are not moisture tolerant must be removed before Tilemaster Fast One Coat DPM is applied. Rough or uneven substrates can be pre-smoothed with Tilemaster Super Flow 30 or Tilemaster Pro Flow prior to the application of Tilemaster Fast One Coat DPM. The RH readings of the substrate must be 98% RH or below. Tilemaster Fast One Coat DPM is suitable for use with underfloor heating systems, however the surface temperature should not exceed 27°C in accordance with BS 8203 and BS 5325. If applying Tilemaster Fast One Coat DPM to new underfloor heated screeds, the heating system must be turned off 48 hours prior to application, the underfloor heating must also be commissioned prior to applying the product.
Mixing of the product:
Bring both components to a temperature of approximately 15°C before use. Un-Clasp the bottom smaller tin and pour the contents into the larger tin, ensuring that as much of the liquid is removed as possible. Mix both components for at least 2 minutes with a drill or similar, until an even colour is achieved. Always mix full container quantities in order to maintain mix proportions.
Application of the product
Apply one coat of mixed membrane with a straight-edged trowel or roller ensuring that the membrane is applied consistently, avoiding over application. Apply at temperatures above 10°C.
95 – 98% RH: Apply Tilemaster Fast One Coat DPM – Epoxy Based Damp Proof Membrane with a roller ensuring a uniform, pin-hole free finish. Apply to a maximum coverage rate of 22m2. The coverage rate will depend on the porosity of the substrate and the site conditions.
Below 95% RH: Apply Tilemaster FastOne Coat DPM – Epoxy Based Damp Proof Membranee with a roller ensuring a uniform, pin-hole free finish. Apply to a maximum coverage rate of 25m2
Up to 87% RH on Anhydrite / Calcium Sulphate Screeds: Apply Tilemaster FastOne Coat DPM – Epoxy Based Damp Proof Membrane with a roller ensuring a uniform, pin-hole free finish. Apply to a maximum coverage rate of 22m2
Where no Damp Proof Course Currently Exists: When applying Tilemaster Fast One Coat DPM to a substrate where a structural damp proof membrane is not present or is ineffective, this product must be applied as a 2-coat system. Apply both coats to a coverage rate between 18 – 22m2 per 10Kg unit. The coverage rate will depend on the type and porosity of the substrate. The first coat must be left to fully cure before applying the second coat and the second coat must be applied at right angles to the first coat. After applying Tilemaster FastOne Coat DPM, the ideal outcome is a glossy, tack free and pin-hole free appearance. If the final appearance of the product after application is dull, this may indicate that the product has been absorbed into the substrate and therefore a second coat may be necessary. Likewise, if the final appearance shows signs of pin-holes then a second coat of Tilemaster Fast One Coat DPM will be required.
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