Ronafix Prepacked Tanking Render – 25Kg Bag



SKU 105061410020626387 Category

Prepacked Mortar for Waterproof Tanking Renders

  • Waterproof
  • Frostproof
  • High compressive strength
  • High tensile strength
  • High flexural strength



Ronafix Prepacked Tanking Render – Mortar for hand and spray application

Ronafix Prepacked Tanking Render – Mortar for hand and spray application. Ronafix Pre-packed Tanking Render is a hand or spray applied two component polymer cement render supplied complete with dry powder and a bottle of polymer gauging liquid. Ronafix Pre packed Tanking Render will provide a watertight tanking render. Each layer is bonded with Ronacrete Standard Primer.

  • Waterproofing ≥ 10 bar
  • Frostproof
  • High compressive strength
  • High tensile strength
  • High flexural strength
  • Pre-packed for increased client confidence
  • Application from 6mm per layer
  • Trafficable after ≤ 24 hours @ 20 degrees C


Ronafix Pre-packed Tanking Render must be in a forced action mixer (such as Baron or CreteAngle pan mixer). The Putzmeister MP25 mixing pump is suitable for sprayed applications. Smaller mixes may be mixed with a slow speed 1kW drill ≤ 500 RPM fitted with an MR4 paddle. All of both components must be added to the mixer and when evenly dispersed, but no earlier than 3 minutes, a small amount of clean water may be added if necessary, to provide sufficient workability for compaction and surface finish.

Ronafix Pre-packed Tanking Render can be used in most weather conditions and in a wide temperature range, typically from +3°C to 25°C approximately. Note that at high ambient temperatures the working time of the mix will be reduced; it will be increased at lower temperatures. Ideally materials should be stored at 10°C to 20°C before use.

As soon as the material is mixed it must be applied to the wet/tacky primer, using a suitable float or suitable spray equipment, ensuring total contact with the substrate and ensuring the render does not slump or slide away from the surface. Compaction and finishing must be carried out with a steel float, a dry sponge finish may be applied if required.


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Additional information

Suitable for Substrates

Minimum Thickness: 6mm Maximum Thickness: 12mm Compressive Strength @ 28 days: 53 N/mm2 Walkable: N/A Finished Floor Laying After: N/A Suitable for Substrates: Concrete



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